About Our Team
Wolfstar's team have held numerous leadership positions on listed and unlisted companies in resources, finance, merchant banking, media, wine, hotels, property, sports management, technology, retail and consulting.
Our broad experience means we have a strong understanding of the business requirements of each business we serve and personally undertake to MAKE IT HAPPEN for you!
Brett Fraser
Brett is an experienced ASX company director and has worked in the finance and securities industry for over 30 years. Brett has been a consultant to companies on sell side transactions, business acquisitions, business strategy and restructuring, initial public offerings, capital raisings and corporate governance.
Brett was an owner and director of media group Redwave Media Limited and has started, managed, owned and operated businesses across wine, health, finance, media, brewing, tourism, and mining. Brett is currently chairman of Holista CollTech Limited and director of Sundance Resources Limited and a former director of Aura Energy Limited, Drake Resources Limited, Doray Minerals Limited, Blina Minerals NL, Brainytoys Limited, Empire Resources Limited and Gage Roads Brewing Co Limited.
Brett is a Fellow of CPA Australia, Financial Services Institute of Australasia and Governance Institute of Australia, and holds a Bachelor of Business (Accounting) and Graduate Diploma in Finance from the Securities Institute of Australia.
Get in touch: Email | 08 6141 3500
Richard Joughin
In early 2014, Richard took on a full-time position with the Wolfstar and became a founding director of Sirius Corporate Services. Prior to this role, Richard was an audit Director with over eleven years’ experience in Audit and Corporate Services together where he provided significant audit and corporate services to a vast array of listed companies, and large proprietary companies. Richard has also provided organisations with professional advice in respect to assurance and financial reporting matters.
Richard is a member of CAANZ, a Fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia, and a former Registered Company Auditor, specialising in financial reporting and disclosure; audit and assurance; corporate advisory and due diligence; prospectuses and independent accountant reports; business and financial services.
Get in touch: Email | 08 6141 3500
Damien Lim
Damien Lim is the Manager of the Wolfstar, and has 20 years’ accounting experience with over 10 years’ experience as an audit supervisor.
Damien has been responsible for the audit and assurance services to ASX listed entities, large and small proprietary entities and not-for-profit organisations.
Since leaving audit, Damien has worked in commerce providing financial reporting and management reporting for ASX listed entities, including company secretarial duties, preparation of statutory financial reports, as well as budgeting and forecasting. Damien has also worked for international companies controlling and managing all accounting functions, as well as local statutory and US GAAP reporting.
Get in touch: Email | 08 6141 3500